Wednesday 3 October 2012

Basic Horse Equipment

A few weeks ago I did a post about riding equipment. But this time, we're going to talk about the horse's equipment. This will be pretty basic stuff, I might do a more detailed post about things later, but now its just to give you a basic idea if you don't know these things already. I tried to make it as simple as possible but sorry if you don't understand.

Rugs keep the horse warm and dry in cold weather. There are different types of rugs designed for different weather- while winter rugs are waterproof and thicker to help keep your horse warm in cold weather, summer rugs are lighter and are made of a breathable material that mostly ensure that a horse can stay dry if there is a light shower or that a horse's coat doesn't get bleached by the sun.
A winter rug, picture from
A bridle is the headpiece put on a horse when someone is riding it. It is connected to reins and a bit which helps you control the horse and tell the horse what to do and where to go. Some people also use hackamores, or bitless bridles. For more detailed information on bridles, go to
A standard bridle, picture from
Saddle: A saddle goes on a horse's back and is what you sit on when you horse ride. It is attached to a girth (which goes around the horse's belly and stops the saddle from falling off) and stirrups (which your feet go in when you horse ride) and sometimes some other things such as breastplates or martingales. For more information on saddles go to
A basic English saddle, picture from

Saddle Blanket/pad: A saddle blanket is a rug that is put underneath the saddle and cushions the horse's back so the saddle doesn't rub against it. They are usually rectangular in shape but there is also a type of saddle blanket called a numnah which is in the shape of a saddle.
A standard saddle pad, picture from

Numnahs, picture from
Halter/Headcollar: This is another headpiece but it is not usually used while riding, it is just used when you are leading a horse. It is attached to a lead rope that you use to lead the horse. 
Headcollar and lead rope, picture from
Boots: These protect a horse's legs when are exercising or jumping. There are many different kinds such us splint boots, fetlock boots and bell boots.
Bell boots, picture from
Fetlock boots, picture from
Splint boots, picture from
That's all for now :)


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