Saturday 5 September 2015

Trot to Canter Transitions- how to master them

For the longest time, I really struggled with my trot to canter transitions. While it is easy to get your horse to go from walk to trot, trot to canter is exponentially harder. It can be incredibly frustrating when you keep on kicking and kicking but your horse just won't canter, so in this post I'm going to try and help out all of you who have been having trouble.

First off, for a good trot to canter transition, you need a solid sitting trot. I've already done a post on the sitting trot, which I would advise you to read if you have trouble with it, but really the key to the sitting trot is relaxation and practice. It's not something that you can magically fix in 10 minutes - achieving a good sitting trot takes a lot of time, so be patient with yourself!
Secondly, this post will primarily be focusing on canter transitions when riding in a circle. So if you aren't riding in a circular shape, your aids and such will be slightly different to what I talk about, but hopefully I can give you a good sense of the basics.
Lastly, this post is going to get quite a bit more technical than previous posts, so sorry if it gets a bit confusing! I'll try my best to explain everything as well as I possibly can.

The first thing you need to understand is that going from trot to canter is not the same as going faster. If you've had trouble with your canter transitions, you'll know that the main problem is your horse just trots faster instead of going into canter. This isn't because your horse is being lazy/naughty, it's because your horse doesn't realize what you're asking of them. If you just kick and kick, your horse will think that you want them to trot faster, and while they may canter eventually, this isn't a correct transition and it's a lot more exhausting for you and the horse. This is why it's important to learn to ask your horse correctly, so your horse knows exactly what you want them to do instead of you giving them mixed signals. 
This leads me into what I believe to be the three most important things when asking for a transition - preparation, balance, and precision. I'll go into all of these in more detail soon, but first, let me tell you how I do my trot to canter transitions.

1. Make sure your horse has a nice, forward trot. This doesn't mean that your horse is trotting extremely fast with no control, it means that your horse has impulsion and is moving forward willingly. 
2. Go into your sitting trot so you can more effectively use your seat.
3. Give a half-halt (a small squeeze) on the outside rein (remember to keep the contact with both your reins). 
4. Move your outside leg back while keeping your inside leg near the girth.
5. Squeeze/kick with your legs depending on how sensitive your horse is. Ideally, your horse should canter almost immediately. 

Now, let's talk about why I do all of those steps by going through the three things I said before - preparation, balance, and precision.

Preparation: It's really important to give yourself and your horse a good preparation to make things as easy for the both of you as possible. Think of it - if your horse is being lazy, isn't listening to you, and you're having a really hard time keeping them in the trot, are you going to be able to get them to canter? Probably not. Even if you do steps 2-5 perfectly, if your horse isn't listening to you, you aren't going to get a good transition. This is why preparation and step 1 are so important. When you are warming up before you canter, really spend time making sure that your horse is being attentive and has enough impulsion that you feel like you could easily ask for them to canter.
Preparation is also really important for the rider themselves so they can adequately perform steps 2-5. Before you try a canter transition, make sure you're balanced and organized and your life will be so much easier.

Balance: Balance is always important in horse riding, but it is especially important when changing from one gait to another. Trot to canter transitions are quite hard work for a horse, and if they're asked to do one while they're unbalanced it's quite difficult for them - it's like standing on a balance beam and being told to do a handstand when you're about to fall off. 
Let's talk about riding in a circle for a second. Ideally, your horse will have a bit of an inside bend, like this:
However, this can also cause your horse to lean in its inside shoulder, thus making them unbalanced. Enter step 3: your reins can be used to balance your horse in more ways then one. So, give your outside rein a squeeze to put their weight back onto their outside shoulder. This also tells your horse that something is coming up and to pay attention, and makes sure your horse picks up the right canter lead because it blocks the outside shoulder from moving forward. Then, make sure you keep the contact in both reins during your transition - if you give your horse lots of rein, they're just going to go faster and become strung out, which we don't want. Instead, keep a steady contact so your horse can stay steady and balanced and have a (hopefully) immediate transition.

Precision: Remember how I said to make sure your horse knows what you're asking of them? This is where precision comes into play. Step 4 is all about making the horse understand that you want to do a canter transition, not do a faster trot. Instead of you just kicking with both legs in the normal position, the sliding back of the outside leg differentiates you asking for a canter transition from you asking to go faster. Then, give a clear squeeze/kick with your legs, and hopefully your trot to canter transition will happen without fault.
However, if you do these steps half heartedly, your horse isn't going to get the memo. Be precise with everything you do, making sure that all of your aids are clear enough and aren't messy and giving your horse mixed messages. This step can be a bit difficult if you, the rider, are not used to doing trot to canter transitions, but things will come with time and practice, so try not to get too frustrated with yourself if you can't get it the first time!

Those are all my tips and tricks for how to get a good trot to canter transition :) I hope that I helped you out in some way and I wasn't too confusing. Remember, everyone has different things that work for them, so you don't need to follow my steps exactly - feel free to tweak a few!


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