Sunday 12 May 2013

New- Storytime Saturday

Hey everyone! As you can see I gave the blog a bit of a makeover- I was sick of the old look, so i changed the title, the backround and the sidebar. What do you think?
Anyway, this is a bit of an update post. I've decided that on this blog I'm going to start something called Storytime Saturday. On saturdays (not every saturday, maybe one or two a month) I'll post a funny, interesting, inspiring, or just any horse riding story. If it's a story about someone else, I won't be using names. I'll probably just make up fake names for them.
I will still be putting up informative posts about horses, so don't worry about that :) I haven't had much time to post on this blog much but I will be trying to fit in more time!
I hope you like the new update- Look out for Storytime Saturday soon!
